We recommend not changing the voice message. Instead, call the hangups and convert them. You will find 100's of reasons given why the seller doesn't leave the voice mail and it's like the "Goldilocks Syndrome" it's either too hot or too cold. Ignore Read More
Phone Systems & VA Support
What exactly do the VAs do with my leads?
To get a better understanding of what the Robot VA - Lead Processors do for your leads, visit www.REIvault.com/Packages and checkout the section titled "VA Research & Comparable Reports" (Virtual Assistants). The VAs do a combination of automated Read More
Can I use my own phone number (800/888 or local) on the mailers?
REIvault provides a unique phone number for each mailing campaign which is integrated with the entire REIvault CRM and systems for automating the lead flow process, metrics tracking, and "best practices" monitoring. The number may be either a toll Read More
Does it cost extra to add text messaging to hangups?
"No. There is no additional cost for our Text Messaging Hangups feature as an REIvault member. We've already set this up for you and your Seller Leads that are hangups will all automatically receive text messages. Additionally, you can text message Read More
Can I give you my own pre-recorded message to set up on my phone lines?
"If you have something that you believe works already, then yes. Please be aware that our system does not support mp3. All greeting files must be WAV (Waveform Audio File) in the following format: PCM 11.025 kHz, 8-bit mono If you could provide Read More