"You can upgrade, downgrade, pause or cancel your membership at anytime by sending a request to support@reivault.com . To see what's included in different membership levels, please see www.REIvault.com/Packages & Read More
What if other people are in my area? Do I get exclusivity?
Once we have a few members in each market, the market is no longer available. This is on a first come first serve basis and we have a number of markets that are unavailable with a waiting list. Once someone completes an application to join, has Read More
Can I transfer my REIvault phone numbers to another provider?
Your phone numbers will remain active as an Active or Suspended member with REIvault.com Due to the nature of our "shared service" and our agreements with our vendors, cancelled members will no longer have access to the phone numbers which will be Read More
The state Attorney General's office left a voice message that I rec'd today concerning the legality of the postcard that one of my leads rec'd recently. I know the message this lead left and she was really upset about the postcard and what it said. Would you advice that I call this person at the Attorney General's office back? How would you handle this situation?
I'd certainly take any message from the Attorney General's office or public office with concern, sensitivity and urgency. Although we cannot provide legal or accounting advice, we certainly recommend that you contact your local attorney just to make Read More
How do I change my Podio password?
Go to "My Account" In the upper right hand corner inside your podio application, find the silhoette of a person and click on it. Go to Account Settings and then to change password. Read More