On this week’s REIVault Weekly Huddle Call, Cris Chico and Gary Boomershine presided on the call and gave recommendations for other avenue of marketing via mailing, probates and pre-printed post it notes. They also discussed Pay per click and the results they’re getting so far from it. They also gave their opinions and suggestions about how to handle a situation when a deal is falling apart.
01:06 support@salesteamlive.com
01:15 dealhelp@reivault.com
01:26 reiteration of contacting dealhealp from Cris
03:05 Other recommendations for marketing (mailing) and is it better to do it via Reivault
05:34 www.probate-goldmine.com
07:15 Pay per click (PPC) and SEO
10:55 suggestionbox@reivault.com
11:20 Pre-printed post-it notes
15:18 Member volunteered in looking at PPC testing
16:14 Is it worth it to mail a small amount of list of buyers?
25:45 PPC insights from a member’s experience
29:00 How to handle a deal that’s falling apart?
39:23 End of the call
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