"We already have a Cash Buyers list and can certainly mail for you. The Buyer Campaign is an ""On Demand"" campaign which means you can request a mailing whenever you want. We typically mail one time to buyers. You simply provide us the property address you want to find buyers for (we pull by radius of that property to find buyers who have purchased ""like kind"" property within a mile or two) or you can provide us a list of zip codes. All you need to do is request what you want via email. Our best practice is mailing approximately $300 in mail. We can always adjust this up or down, depending upon your needs.
If you have your own buyers list, you can simply email the spreadsheet or list to support@reivault.com and the team will cleanup the list for mailing and provide you a Campaign Plan for you to review and approve before we send the mail. It's that simple and we do this all the time for our members."