Sorry, the Sales Ninja Phone Team does not perform any Cold Calling. Cold Calling is a separate service and is subject to more strict federal regulations and guidelines than followup phone calls. Cold Call lists are seeded directly into the Five9 AutoDialer with only the converted Followup and Qualified leads getting pushed into the Podio CRM.
You can add the Cold Calling Service to your existing REIvault Membership for a $500 setup fee and $1,495 per month. See for an overview of Cold Call Add-On and other No-Mail Cold Call Options. NOTE: Click on the orange "+" above System Only to expand the Cold Call Options.
Pricing for our secret "Invisible" List and Data Stacking vary depending upon the volume. See for Data Stacking and List rates.
If you want to leverage REIvault Data Stacking to add Phone numbers to your favorite list, email your list to and request Data Stacking. Once the data stacking is complete, we will push the list to the Cold Call team and uploaded to the Five9 Autodialer. Again, see for Data Stacking rates.
If you have your own list with phone numbers, we will dial those numbers at no additional charge. Simply email your list to and request the list to be pushed to the Cold Call team and uploaded to the Five9 Autodialer.