Please review the "Status Reference Guides" to better understand and utilize the Podio Seller Lead "Status":
The following should help you better understand the difference between "Dead", "Not Interested" and "Remove From List" Status:
DEAD - this is a lead that is not a deal. Remember that this should only be used after you've exhausted your efforts including considering sending this lead a "Presell package" or putting them on a follow up campaign. Examples of a "Dead" lead would be a Seller who calls and states they do not own a property or they have recently sold their property. Some of these leads have turned into Deals (e.g. seller who's buyer fell through a month later). Remember, "No Seller Left Behind." Make sure to determine if this is truly a "Dead" no opportunity ever lead or someone that should be added to the "Follow Up Nurture Letter" Campaign and possibly a ""Follow Up"" call in a month or two. Circumstances always change and big profits are made from follow up.
NOT INTERESTED - This is lead that calls and states that they are NOT interested in selling their property. By default, they will continue to receive direct mail. In the event you want to remove these people from future mailings, you can simply click the "Remove from STL Mailings" in the Direct Mail field. However, as a "Best Practice" we recommend you continue to mail these sellers. We have found that circumstances change over time, and Not Interested seller leads turn into deals with continued follow up over time. Remember: "No Seller Left Behind"
REMOVE FROM LIST - this is only for leads that are angry or specifically request that they be removed from your mailings There is also a video on this topic, and can be found and explained here: Seller Lead Status Definitions